bibliomanifesutus microscopium II



I am taking some kind of certification exam in English. The venue is India. The candidates are from all over the world.
The questions are prepared individually according to the background of each candidate.
Each time there is a theme, and that day's theme happened to be an area that I knew to some extent from work, so I felt lucky.
To my shock, however, the thick stack of question papers that I was handed were handwritten with a ballpoint pen and were filled with very peculiar handwriting.
There was also a group test, where I had to discuss with five other people from South America while throwing beach balls at each other.
I wish I could do more with the topics I'm good at, I feel like I have to twist the discussion to my strengths somehow.
We were given a 40-minute break in the middle of the session, during which we were encouraged, or rather forced, to take a separate psychological test.
I had to answer a lot of questions on mark sheets and in writing, and I had to pay an additional 41,000 yen for the test. I didn't hear anything about that.
I woke up when I finished paying (I could use my credit card).